Charge Amps Booklet & Flyer Design

Charge Amps are a European wide company supplying residential homes with charge points for their electric cars. They approached me to help create a small 4 page booklet and a flyer to take to a trade show in the UK. You can see examples of the design below.

If you would like to work with me on creating a brochure, or other marketing materials, get in touch today, I’d love to help!

Charge Amps Booklet & Flyer | Cover Design
Cover Design
Charge Amps Booklet & Flyer | Outer View of Booklet
Outer View of Booklet
Charge Amps Booklet & Flyer | Internal View of Booklet
Internal View of Booklet
Charge Amps Booklet & Flyer | Flyer Design for Exhibition
Flyer Design for Exhibition

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If you’d like to speak with me regarding any design services, please get in touch here or complete the form below and I will be back in contact as soon as possible, Thanks :-)

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...