Looking to revolutionise the current Estate Agency sector (due to COVID-19), NicheCom needed a Logo & Web Page Design for their newest offering. GotoView. A newly developed online platform, allowing multiple people to view a property (via 3D walkthrough technology) and talk to one another at the same time. All through the magic of the internet. This enables Estate Agents, family members in different households/locations, or competing buyers, to all access the viewing. Being able questions and get instant feedback.
The logo had to illustrate this unique ability, but also not stray too far from the umbrella brand, NicheCom. Therefore I stuck to the colour palette and type face of the umbrella brand. As well as creating the brand for GotoView, two new pages were designed and built on the NicheCom website to showcase the technology, and also help new user understand the technology with a Hint & Tips page.
The outcome looks great. Let’s hope this really helps the Estate Agency market start to pick up again in these uncertain times.
You can view the two web page designs here: GotoView | Hints &. Tips
If you like what you see, and need a new Logo & Web Page Design, get in touch with me today by filling out the contact form on this page.