Newsletter Design for Turner Pope Investments

Shortly after completing Turner Pope’s new website, they moved to a new, larger office in Bank, London. In order to update their clients on this news, they wanted a MailChimp Newsletter designed in the same look and feel of the new website. Not only would this newsletter inform recipients of their move, but also the new site and the newly redesigned brochure. You can view the email on MailChimp here.

Are you looking to have a newsletter or MailChimp template designed? Get in touch today by filling out the form on my contact page.

Turner Pope Investments | We Have Moved Newsletter
Close up of newsletter on iPhone
Turner Pope Investments | We Have Moved Full Newsletter
Full screen mock-up
Turner Pope Investments | We Have Moved Full Newsletter
View of full newsletter

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...