NOFFEE is the evolution of a previous project, Traditionally Modern, where the business owner has evolved their vision, and aimed to become a more ‘mass-market’, but still high-end product.
A caffeine-free, hot beverage alternative to Coffee, NOFFEE aims to be the name that rolls off everyones tongue when they want something to give them an energy boost, but without all the side-effects and negatives of coffee. First of all we needed to create a bold, clean, and aspirational brand/logo that would be recognisable from a distance, but also memorable. I created my usual design presentation and the final choice was the logo below, showing the ‘O’ like Latte-Art, but also representing hands around a heart (leaning on the health aspect of the product).
We then needed to make sure the product looked as smart as the logo, and make sure that it would both be something people wanted to pick up, but to also appeal to those who are into healthy living. We decided to keep to a really simple monotone colour scheme, and as you scroll down, will see the packing looks super classy.
Finally the website then needed to follow up on the look and feel, and not disappoint when a visitor arrived there to make their order. You can see the final site by visiting: The pages do introduce more colour and imagery, but in a subtle, soft way so it does not detract from the brand. The site is fully responsive, and also has e-commerce functionality so that users can purchase their drinks through it. Have a look, and if you have a moment, let me know your thoughts!
It has been an amazing journey working with the team at NOFFEE, and seeing the product grow. I am really proud to be part of the NOFFEE family, and cannot wait to see where we go next!
Do you need a website to showcase your business or products? If so, get in touch with me today, I would love to help!