Poster & Social Media Post Designs for Young Adult Kidney Group & Kidney Care UK

Young Adult Kidney Group is a closed Facebook support group for young adults living with kidney conditions. I created their logo a few years ago, when they were just beginning. Now, after substantial growth, they are partnered with Kidney Care UK who support them with community projects and promoting their support group to young people.

In 2022 YAKG ran a residential weekend for members of their group. There they could have a holiday, and experience fun activities in a safe space, surrounded by a support group who could take care of them if anything went wrong.

I was asked to create the promotional material that could be put in renal wards in hospitals to promote the weekend, and also posts for social media to get the word out. It was a pleasure to work on this project with the team at YAKG & Kidney Care UK. I am very proud to be involved with a group like this, and look forward to more projects in the future.

Young Adult Kidney Group, Kidney Care UK | Poster & Social Post Design | My Name is Dan
Residential Weekend Poster Design
Young Adult Kidney Group, Kidney Care UK | Poster & Social Post Design | My Name is Dan
Residential Weekend Instagram Post
Young Adult Kidney Group, Kidney Care UK | Poster & Social Post Design | My Name is Dan
Residential Weekend Twitter Post
Young Adult Kidney Group, Kidney Care UK | Poster & Social Post Design | My Name is Dan
Residential Weekend Poster Design for Printing in Hospital Departments

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...