Prospect Estate Agents Rebrand

Berkshire based estate agents Prospect wanted to rebrand their business. It needed to appeal to a different target audience and create a buzz. The old brand had become extremely inconsistent. After discussing who they wanted their target market to be, and looking at the brands those individuals would be either associated with, or aspire to have, logo concepts were sketched up.

It was an extremely collaborative project. From all the rebrand concepts created, we sat down as a team to evolve the favoured designs into what is now the final logo. A PHD version was also needed for the higher priced properties that the business would market.

Once the logo was designed, all aspects of the business visually needed to be recreated. Along with a new tone of voice. From business stationery to for sale boards, office signage to brand guidelines, almost every aspect of what the Prospect client sees was part of the rebrand. Below you can see a small selection of images from the project.

Old Prospect brand next to the new logo
Old Prospect brand next to the new logo
Final logo concepts for the Prospect brand
Final logo concepts for the Prospect brand
Final logo concepts for the Prospect PHD (Prospect Homes of Distinction) brand
Final logo concepts for the Prospect PHD (Prospect Homes of Distinction) brand
Initial logo ideas/sketching concepts on Illustrator
Initial logo ideas/sketching concepts on Illustrator
Refining the clients preferred logo concepts further
Refining the clients preferred logo concepts further
Brand guideline creation
Brand guideline creation
Brand guideline page examples
Brand guideline page examples
Prospect rebranded for sale board
Prospect rebranded for sale board
Prospect PHD rebranded for sale board
Prospect PHD rebranded for sale board
Prospect rebranded Letterhead
Prospect rebranded Letterhead
Prospect PHD rebranded Letterhead
Prospect PHD rebranded Letterhead
Prospect & PHD rebranded compliment slips
Prospect & PHD rebranded compliment slips
Prospect rebranded email footer
Prospect rebranded email footer
Prospect office fascia designs/concepts
Prospect office fascia designs/concepts
Prospect Estate Agents' office in central Reading - concept and final
Prospect Estate Agents’ office in central Reading – concept and final
Prospect Estate Agents' office in Winnersh - concept and final
Prospect Estate Agents’ office in Winnersh – concept and final
Some images to show how the branding works inside the offices
Some images to show how the branding works inside the offices
Redesigned property details with the new Prospect branding
Redesigned property details with the new Prospect branding
A launch mailer campaign to promote the rebrand
A launch mailer campaign to promote the rebrand

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...