Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan 2021 Design & Infographic

I was very pleased to be asked to design Reading Borough Council’s Corporate plan for 2021, including creating an infographic to depict the town’s 2020 stats. As a document for a council, it was essential to make sure legibility and accessibility was at the top of the agenda. This made the process a challenge (minimum font sizes and uses of colour being important), but I am happy with the final result. For a text heavy piece, I still think it looks on brand for the council, and the feedback I have received has been extremely positive.

You can see the whole Corporate Plan design here.

If you like what you see, and need a brochure designed, get in touch with me today on this page.

Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Design 2021 - by My Name is Dan
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Outer Cover
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Design 2021 - by My Name is Dan
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Design 2021 - by My Name is Dan
Double Page Spread Layout
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Design 2021 - by My Name is Dan
Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan Internal Pages
Infographic Scamp for Reading Borough Council - by My Name is Dan
Infographic Scamp
Full Infographic for Reading Borough Council - by My Name is Dan
Full Infographic

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...