Reading Libraries Telling Stories Logo & Poster Design

Reading Borough Council have started a series of uplifting and diverse storytelling sessions in their libraries. I was asked by their marketing department to create a logo/icon they could use on promotional material for the events. As well as some poster and social media templates that could be uploaded to Canva, so they could edit and create new assets as ‘storytellers’ were added to the schedule.

As with all projects for Reading Borough Council, there are fairly strict guidelines to follow, however, I enjoy pushing the boundaries in the concept stage, and having fun with what could be done – I feel the marketing team appreciate that too as sometimes we have been able to use certain elements elsewhere.

Below you can see the final logos, along with the posters and some initial concepts for the logo.

If you are after a logo design, or promotional materials for an upcoming event, get in touch with me today, I’d love to help!

Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Final Logo Design for Reading Libraries Telling Stories
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Telling Stories Poster to Promote Event in Reading Libraries
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Telling Stories Poster to Promote Event in Reading Libraries
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Social Post Examples for Telling Stories
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Some Initial Logo Concepts for Reading Libraries Telling Stories
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Some Initial Logo Concepts for Reading Libraries Telling Stories
Reading Borough Council | Reading Libraries Telling Stories | Logo & Poster Design
Some Initial Logo Concepts for Reading Libraries Telling Stories

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If you’d like to speak with me regarding any design services, please get in touch here or complete the form below and I will be back in contact as soon as possible, Thanks :-)

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...