The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail Design

The DofE (Duke of Edinburgh’s Award) asked if I could create a Direct Mail Design for them. It’s purpose would be to target private schools promoting special group purchasing offers. The 8 page landscape A5 brochure would be printed and posted to recipients. It had to be easy to read and engaging for the DofE’s audience. Having clear CTAs was extremely important so interested parties could get in touch without too much trouble.

You can see the whole Direct Mail design here.

If you like what you see, and need a brochure or mailer designing, get in touch with me today on this page.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail Front Cover
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail Front Cover
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Private School Direct Mail

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OMG! A graphic designer that can build pretty websites, write words & look handsome whilst doing so...